Inventor’s Prototyping Service

Ignitec’s Inventor’s Prototyping Service: Transforming Your Ideas into Marketable Products Transform your bright ideas into real-world products with Ignitec’s Inventor’s Prototyping Service. We address the pain point of understanding and navigating...

Equal opportunities policy

Equal opportunities policy Statement of policy and purpose of policy Ignitec ltd (the Employer) is committed to equal opportunities for all staff and applicants. It is our policy that all employment decisions are based on merit and the legitimate business needs of the...
5 steps for creating an invention you can patent

5 steps for creating an invention you can patent

We are an award winning product design consultancy, we design connected products and instruments for pioneering technology companies. 5 steps for creating an invention you can patent Reading time 7 mins Key Points Inventions are the bedrock of innovation Patents can...